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Issue 110 of Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 110 of Amateur Radio Weekly
Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 110 May 7th, 2016

Top links

FreeDV 2400A and 2400B demos
This digital voice mode will run on any legacy FM analog radio.
FCC action anticipated on ARRL's "Symbol Rate" petition
ARRL seeks to change the Amateur Service Part 97 rules to delete the symbol rate limit in §97.307(f) and replace it with a maximum bandwidth for data emissions of 2.8 kHz.
Review: Leixen NOTE 25 Watt HT
The NOTE is a 16 Channel UHF transceiver, the likes of which I have never seen before.
10 Milliwatt WSPR Beacon
The Etherkit Si5351A Breakout Board combined with the Si5351Arduino library provides a low-cost, wide range PLL with excellent frequency resolution.
Listen more than you send
Make the most of your opportunities to listen to live QSOs from your home station.
Ham Radio QRP
Pirate from Baghdad
Hassan has bootleged multiple calls for several years.
2016 Digital Mode Most Wanted Survey
These surveys help DXpedition planners and are of interest to all digital operators.



Digital Amateur TV in action
Rpidatv is a program that allows a Raspberry Pi to transmit DATV without the need for any additional hardware.
HackRF replay attack on Jeep Patriot
Demo of a replay attack on a Jeep Patriot's keyless entry system.
Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by K4HCK.
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